Anna Hudson

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Anna Hudson set a record for Village Virtual students this summer: she completed her Personal Finance course in less than two weeks with an almost perfect average in the course!  Anna said the self-paced nature of online learning was what she liked most about her experience. “Once I started doing it, I didn’t want to stop until I had finished a chapter. I liked that you could do what was best for you.  My days are busy, so I loved being able to work in the course at night.”

Anna said that the course particularly emphasized staying out of debt, encouraging students to qualify for scholarships and pay for college as they go by saving and working part-time while in school. 

Information about investing most surprised Anna.  “I didn't know that normal people invested their money. Until I took the course, I thought that only rich people invested.”  With practical strategies for purchasing those future big-ticket items and managing her money, Anna is now free to enjoy the rest of her summer.  Her advice for other online students: “Don’t be afraid to go at your own pace, doing the work whenever it is most convenient for you.  Don't worry about fitting it into your day.  You can fit it into your schedule [regardless of what time that is] and go at your own pace.”

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