Brooks Jackson


Brooks Jackson started his freshman year at Chattanooga Christian right on track for an amazing high school experience. Always an honors student, Brooks probably never envisioned that attending classes, completing homework and projects, and making good grades would ever be anything other than routine. However, reaching to catch a baseball completely changed that perspective when Brooks landed hard on the left side of his head and sustained a traumatic brain injury.   

Such a distressing event could have meant that Brooks would have to accept a delay in his projected graduation date, but it didn’t.  Through its partnership with Village Virtual, Chattanooga Christian was able to approve online courses for Brooks that have kept him right on pace with his class.  “The way you all have worked with us,” says Mrs. Jackson, “has been incredible.  Brooks is really enjoying the courses, and he is able to do less work on days when he doesn’t feel well.  I don’t know what we would have done without you.” 

Brooks is on track to complete all of his fall online courses with A’s, and he will be able to rejoin his cohort at Chattanooga Christian on pace and on track for graduation when his injury has mended.  “This solution has been perfect for us,” says Mrs. Jackson.  “Brooks is really enjoying the courses and has made connections with his teachers.  He particularly enjoys his English class and has excelled in the writing assignments. You have made a hard, life-changing situation much easier.”   

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